This morning, when I saw that I would be reading John 15 in my bible, I got all types of excited! I knew what was coming and I had all ready anticipated what was coming. I love this chapter. It reminds me that I don’t have to be the source of “fruit” in my life….and that if I get cut off from the source, I won’t be producing anything. I will just be trying really hard and become very tired….and nothing will be produced. Why was I excited? Because I have read this before. 2 times in the last year, because of my Life Journal Reading Plan. Every year, I read the New Testament 2 times and the Old Testament once. Why? Because the Bible is amazing.
Since using the Life Journal You Version app, I have learned so much! Its super helpful to have a plan for reading, more of a jumping off point. When we came to Life Church 7 over a year ago, we jumped into their all church bible reading plan. Before that, I had the Kaylee Eylander Bible Reading plan, which was pretty darn effective, for what it was. 🙂 I’m a worship leader, so of course I loved landing in the Psalms, but there is more to the bible than Psalms. Having a reading plan is a great guide to help you discover lots of places in the bible that you might not ever land on your own.
I found that I LOVED how intentional the reading plan is. It was as if someone who was super smart put it together! 🙂 I loved how, while reading about David in the cave with Saul, the next chapter on my list was the Psalm David wrote while in the cave. So, I read what happened, then I read what David felt like when that was happening. There are so many instances like that with this reading plan. I read ahead because I wanted to know what happened next and I actually was sad when David died, kind of like how you are sad when a character dies in a great movie. I guess I hadn’t ever really felt that way about the bible. I knew it was a book of wisdom and it was amazing, but I wasn’t using it to its full potential. At all.
I still use the Kaylee Eylander Bible Reading Plan occasionally, but I am definitely trying to live my life with more intention. I want to squeeze everything I can out of the bible that I can…and by having a set plan of reading, I know I am doing that.
The other great thing about using a bible reading plan is that my husband uses the same one. We can talk about the reading during the day and share what jumped out to us. Its a point of unity and I love being able to hear his take on what I read today. I can ask him questions (he went to bible school and I didn’t!) and I can hear his heart beat for the Lord! Nothing makes my heart go pitter patter like hearing my man talk about how good God is. Honestly. That might sound strange, but I love it.
To get the most out of my bible reading time, here are a few things that I do to help me:
- Your Music: I turn on some worship music. I love Bethel Music ( i love Tides & You Make Me Brave, right now), Bryan & Katie Torwalt (Kingdom Come & Here on Earth) & Jesus Culture ( Live From New York & Come Away are my faves). I have a play list of music that I love, and I usually use that. There are tons of music you can choose from, just pick something that helps you focus on God.
- Your Cozy Spot: I’ve set up a comfy place to read & write. I have a favorite chair and side table outside on our patio (side table is for all my junk…coffee, pen, journal, ipad for music). I also have a cozy spot set up in my living room with a side table…for all my junk!
- Your Time: I try to do my time with God in the morning. I love getting my coffee, settling in and discovering what God has for me today. I love getting up early, before the pitter patter of feet and kids asking Find a regular time that works for you. Some people are more alive at night, some people are more productive after their kids go to school, some early in the morning. Whatever works for you and you can keep it consistent.
- Your Journal: I love writing, I’ve always journaled, for some people this is more of a stretch. I get it. But…I encourage you to pick up a super cute journal and a great pen and at least give it a try. I do a prayer list in the back of my journal with 3 columns, one for the date of my prayer need, one that is a list of my prayer and one that shows the answered date. I’m not usually a list person, but remembering what God has done for us is an essential part of Him building our faith. I visit my list and when I get to write down an answered prayer, its pretty amazing!
I would love to hear about your tips to make your time with God consistent and fun!