Dried lavender herb and essential aromatherapy oil
Here’s a crazy story for you….I discovered the amazing-ness of essential oils in kind of a round about weird way. I had ordered some frankincense oil for the sole reason that I wanted to see what Baby Jesus’ gift smelled like. I have seen tons of pins on Pinterest all about how amazing essential oils were and I just was not convinced that these tiny bottles held the key to health and feeling good. I’ve come a LONG way! 🙂
Why was I so skeptical: I hated the multi-level marketing idea, so I was super skeptical of the 2 big names. I went ahead and ordered mine off Amazon. I ordered Frankincense and Lavender oil…..cuz every pin was about Lavender oil! I just couldn’t figure out how smelling an oil or putting it on your skin could actually help you?]
Sooo!! Back to my story! I had these two bottles of essential oils sitting around the house and after I smelled them, I really didn’t know what the heck to do with them! Now to the interesting part! I was cooking a microwave dinner Gluten free Chili Rae-no, to be exact! It was full of cheese and when I pulled it out of the microwave, it was piping hot! I dropped the dinner onto the stove below trying to not burn myself…and a huge blob of boiling hot cheese & sauce flew up and hit me in the neck, right over where my Adam’s apple is. It didn’t really hurt, but as I wiped it off with my hand, I felt a layer of my skin wiping off with it. Disgusting and quite frightening…all I could think about was the huge scar I was going to have! 🙁 No!!! Not on my neck for everyone to see and ask me what the heck happened every time they saw me!
So of course my next move was to go to pinterest and see what they recommend for healing burns and to prevent scarring. Of course Lavender oil came up as a remedy for skin burns and scar healing. So I gave it a go. Every night I put gauze soaked in Lavender oil on my burn and taped it on. Now…another part of the story is that I typically had been waking up every night at about 3am….for no reason at all. I started noticing that I wasn’t waking up in the middle of the night at all…and falling asleep so gently and wonderfully drifting off into sleepy town. This continued till my burn was healed….with no scar to show anyone…but I learned through this event that Lavender Oil was great for 2 things: healing burns without scarring and helping me sleep well. 🙂
Then my research began on what all the other uses for essential oils were….and preventing sickness was one of the things that interested me the most…frankincense was great for that…so we started applying it to our feet every night to see what happened. What happened??? Nothing! In a good way! When those around us were getting sick…we would faithfully put our oils on our feet before bed and stayed healthy! It was incredible!
Of course I had to find out what else was out there…and I’ve become a full fledged convert to Essential oil land and will be posting so many of my uses for these little bottles of love on the blog here…so come back for some ideas!