Are you in a place where you could use some tips on how to save your marriage? Are you sometimes wondering what the heck your husband is thinking or how you could love him better? Are you wondering how to invest in your marriage?
About 8 years ago I came across one of the most relevant, important books for women, I believe that has ever been published to date. This book rocked my world and gave me insight that I didn’t even know was possible. It cleared up so many things in my mind and marriage. It helped me to understand my husband better and how I could invest in my marriage.
I believe every single woman in the world should read this book. It is a quick read, a small book of only 183 pages, but an explosion of insight and information that is like no other book that I have read.
To be completely honest, this book made me sad. This book told me some things that I don’t think I was ready to hear at the time. But ignorance is NOT bliss and understanding my husband and how he ticked was very important to me, and is even more important to me now, 8 years later.
I have recommended this book countless times in the last 8 years, to married women and single women alike. I’ve told so many people about it, that I decided I needed to talk about it on my blog.
Are you ready for the name of it?
For Women Only: What You Need to Know about the Inner Lives of Men, by Shaunti Feldhahn
Ladies. Seriously. Do yourself a favor (and your husband, and your kids for that matter) and read this book. You will be giving it away left and right, just like I have.
When I read this book the first time, I would come to my husband and ask…. IS THIS TRUE???? He would almost always answer, “Yes! I’ve never thought of it that way, but, yes!” Now, I’m not saying that EVERY single man is described in this book, but Shaunti did a great job surveying men and got general answers from them….she shows it all in the book! Its amazing!
Here are just A FEW things that I learned about my husband (and men in general) from the book, For Women Only.
- Men walk into a room and assess who is the alpha male in the room, all without talking!
- Men would rather feel unloved than disrespected. (I KNOW, I couldn’t believe it either!)
- Men feel incredible pressure to provide financially for their families (so if he’s working alot, its because he loves you!)
- Men often feel insecure and like imposters, despite how they act on the outside.
- Men feel rejected if their wife is not interested in having sex with them.
Honestly, these are just a FEW of the things I have learned and explored since reading this book. If you would like to learn more about your husband, how you can love him well, and possibly save your marriage, I highly recommend picking up this book, reading it and putting it into practice in your own life!
If you end up reading this book, I would love to hear what you think about it in the comments! Or Find me on social media!