When I was first married and learning to cook, I found a book that had some easy recipes in it. One of the recipes that stuck with me for 14 years was how to make a whole body roasted chicken. I loved getting rotisserie chickens at the grocery store, but I was unsure of what “extra ingredients” aka stuff I didn’t want in my body, came with these delicious chickens. So…all though i do buy these once in a while, I figured it would be good to master cooking them myself! Its super easy, so you can do it too!!
One of the things I love to do with these chickens after I make them, is save all of the bones and extras and toss them in zip lock baggie and then into the freezer to save for Bone Broth (use in place of chicken broth) ! Bone broth is something I use in tons of recipes and it has some incredible benefits for your body…and it saves money on chicken broth to use in rice, soups and all kinds of recipes! I use bone broth for my mexican rice, & chicken enchiladas and many more recipes!
What You Need:
1 whole body chicken
4 tbsp olive oil
1 lemon
5 cloves of garlic
Salt & Pepper to taste or Seasoning Salt
What to Do:
Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees
Dry off Whole body chicken with paper towel and remove giblets/neck from inner cavity.
Rub olive oil all over whole chicken.
Season with salt and pepper generously
Lay in Cast Iron pan or roasting pan.
Cut Lemon in 5 or 6 pieces and put a few in the cavity of the chicken and the rest in the pan.
Crush garlic cloves and place 3 in cavity and some in the pan (add more if you love garlic!)
Cook uncovered for 1 hr 15 minutes or until internal temp is 180 degrees.
Cover with Foil and let rest for 15 minutes.
More Ketogenic Diet, Paleo or low carb Friendly recipes:
Crockpot Garlic Mushrooms

What kinds of ketogenic or paleo recipes have you tried? I would love to know some more!