Ever since having a baby (any of my babies, really) I have had a really hard time losing any kind of weight. Like at all. I’ve done everything, counting calories, working out every other day, I’ve done the HCG Diet (don’t ask!). None of it worked for me.
I starved, counted everything and I realized I had lost all hope when I met with my amazing nutritionist and I broke down in tears when she was going through my history! She said how frustrating that must have been and I was like….YES!!! WAHHHHH!
I tried the Ketogenic Diet a few years ago before I had my last baby and saw some movement on the scale, but when I got pregnant I decided to put that on pause.
After having my baby (now 19 months old!), I decided to give KETO another try and it just didn’t do anything like it did before. Having babies just does a number on women! Its not really fair.
One early morning I got sucked into the youtube vortex all about intermittent fasting. I watch so many testimonials and videos I can’t even count them! By the time I was done, I was ready to try Intermittent Fasting and the only way I thought I could get through 16 hrs of not eating was to eat a high fat low carb diet- KETO! I had eaten that way before and I was hoping if I added it to a 16 fasting window, it would help me!
I just have to say- the ONLY thing that has worked for me AT ALL (like losing more than 1lb) is KETO + Intermittent Fasting + Fascia Blasting.
Ketogenic Diet
The KETO or Ketogenic Diet is basically a High Fat, Low Carb, Moderate Protein Diet. There are a trillion websites & pinterest pins, and youtube videos about the subject. There are different kinds of KETO too. You can count carbs or be lazy and not. It just depends on what your body is like and what it needs. If you need to be strict, you can do that. I don’t do that- it hasn’t worked well for my crazy lifestyle. So basically, I don’t eat bread, sugar or carbs and I DO eat high fat and moderate protein…and I only eat till I feel full.
I say all this – WHEN I’m actually eating KETO style…with the Intermittent Fasting, I can even be LAZIER and still have results or at least not go backwards! Pretty incredible. Have I found the golden ticket? Not sure yet, but its been great so far!
Intermittent Fasting
Intermittent Fasting is basically having an eating window and a fasting window. No snacking during the fasting window (this is surprisingly easy when I’ve made the decision to fast that day). You can have whatever size fasting window that you would like. Most people do a 16 (fasting)/ 8 (eating). You are sleeping during a lot of your fasting window, so that helps! Basically, it’s a late breakfast, early dinner and just eating 2 meals works for me most days. The other thing that is amazing is that if you are eating a Ketogenic diet, the fat helps to sustain you till your eating window comes around again. Lots of water and coffee helps too!
Anyway! I wanted to share some of my go-to Ketogenic dinner recipes. When I have yummy ketogenic food in my house, its so much easier to stay on this diet!
My results so far: Lost 10 lbs! (I haven’t lost 10lbs on a diet in a lot of years so I’m pretty excited about it!)
Keto Dinner Recipe Ideas
1. Keto Chili – Low Carb High Fat Spicy No Bean Ketogenic Chili
3. KETO Lemon Garlic Rotisserie Whole Body Chicken (add this Garlic Aoli to add additional fat for Ketogentic Diet) 

4. Keto | Paleo | Gluten Free Instant Pot Whole Body Chicken
These are just a few of my favorite Keto Dinner Recipe Ideas. If you try them, I would love to hear how they worked for you! Let me know how it goes!