About 2 years ago, I started on a journey to stop putting as many chemicals in my body. I’m not super strict and I do drink a coke now and then, but I am on a journey to limit chemicals. As I have tried to find alternatives to conventional (read chemical filled) products, I have found some amazing ones (Earthpaste!!!) as well as some flops (like the toothpaste I tried to make…NASTY!). I am willing to try all kinds of products because I have a sneaky feeling that all those chemicals in products we use all the time (shampoo, plastic water bottles, deodorant…the list goes on!) aren’t too good for us! So…if I can limit those, I want to at least try.
For the longest time I took off my waterproof mascara with baby oil. Years and years. Then I read an article like this and realized that if there was a simple, easy and natural alternative, I wasn’t opposed to at least trying it out. If it worked, it would stay.
Enter: Coconut Oil!!!
Wow. This stuff is incredible!! I started using it to take my off my mascara and I noticed that it was a great moisturizer. I have a thing…a thing where the skin on my nose peels…every winter since I hit puberty. No amount of Clinique lotion would make it go away. I used to do the whole eye make-up remover, face wash, toner and moisturizer routine…and it didn’t even touch the peeling situation! So when I started using coconut oil to wash my face…to my surprise, my nose peeling days were over!
I also noticed that my typical wrinkle a year plan started slowing down. You know…when, on your birthday, you look in the mirror in horror as you discover the new wrinkle around your eyes. 🙂 Its not a miracle cream, by any means, I still definitely have my 11 between my eyes, but without botox, that thing isn’t going away!
How I do it:
When I get my huge vat of coconut oil either at Costco or via Amazon, put a handful in a small mason jar
and keep it in my bathroom, for a make-up remover, face wash and moisturizer all rolled into one. I typically take off my eye make up first, with about a tsp of coconut oil, wash it off with a warm wash cloth, then rub a TBSP amount of coconut oil all over my face and wash again with a warm/hot washcloth. Then I take about a 1/2 tsp and rub it in as a moisturizer.
This is the coconut oil that I usually buy! I love the smell of it! A light coconut scent!
Other uses for coconut oil in the bathroom:
- Full body moisturizer I use it on my legs & feet all the time!
- Oil pulling
- A super smoothing hair deep conditioner
- Tame fly aways
- Sooth excema