I received this Travel Backpack with Laptop Pocket at a discounted price in exchange for my honest review.
For under $32 this travel backpack is a steal! I can’t wait to use it on my next trip!

Best Travel Backpacks with laptop pocket & phone charger

I love this little backpack! I am so excited to

I love that this travel backpack has a secret little pocket on the back ( resting up against your back when you are wearing it) that would be perfect for your passport. While traveling internationally, this is so essential! I love having extra little pockets so I can TRY to stay organized! Ha! I try to put things back in the same pockets while traveling so I don’t lose important stuff…like passports!

Best Travel Backpacks with laptop pocket & phone charger

Best Travel Backpacks with laptop pocket & phone charger

I also love that the strap to hold in the laptop in the pocket is elastic, so if your laptop is larger than mine – 13 inches, it would still be really solid in the pocket. It has a little cushioning as well. Its perfect!

It also has lots of room in the front pocket for things like a wallet, chargers or whatever you want to toss in there! The zippers are gold and so cute too!
I would love to hear your travel hacks! Leave them in the comments below!