You guuuuuyyyyyyssssssssssssss!! Natural deodorants…they are my heart cry! I have been on an absolute quest to find or make a natural deodorant that works, smells good and doesn’t make my armpits get all red and irritated! I believe I have found the mother of all natural deodorants and I just HAVE to tell you about it. No, I’m not getting paid to write this, I just honestly want to share the love because it is just that awesome!
So…the first question I always get when I talk about using natural deodorants is….WHY??? Why not just use something off the shelf from Target? That is a fabulous question! When my mother in law left the oncologist after her last radiation treatment, the nurse handed her some natural deodorant…and told her to start using it. I was like WHY?????
So I dove into the world of chemicals, additives and crud that is the land of commercial deodorants. I did research, I read articles and decided for myself that I would stop putting extra chemicals in and on my body. There are so many great articles about the junk in regular deodorants that I don’t need to re-write them here. I will post some great ones and you can read them for yourself. Obviously, there are articles, on both sides here in the wild world-wide web. Do some research for your self with these
2. 7 Harmful Ingredients in Your Deodorant
3. 3 Dangerous Ingredients in Common Deodorant
4. 5 Things wrong with your Deodorant by TIME MAGAZINE!
5. Harmful Chemicals in Deodorants
Ok…Now that you have done your research…What do you do?? Over the years, I have tried soooo many natural deodorants (even Ross and Marshalls are carrying them now!) I have ordered some on-line, bought some at Grocery Outlet and have made my own – recipe here! But as a busy mom, sometimes I don’t have time to make my own or run out of ingredients or just want something different!
SOOO many of these deodorants have failed. Booo….
- It HAS to WORK! I know that seems like a given, but so many of these natural deodorants left me smelly musty at the end of a day. For me, I don’t have time to stop and re-apply throughout the day, so an ideal natural deodorant needs to leave me smelling fresh from morning till night.
- It HAS to SMELL GOOD! Some of the natural deodorants that I have tried over the years have been very “natural” smelling. Some like the classic lavender or other essential oil smell, some were just not strong enough so they didn’t smell at all. I want my pits to smell NICE, not natural! HA!!!
- It HAS to NOT give me a rash! Some of the natural deodorants that I tried gave me a red, sore rash under my pits. Some attribute this to too much baking soda in the deodorant, some say that if you “detox your armpits” this rash will go away, but I have been using natural deodorant for 6 years now, have detoxed them a few times and STILL, I was getting rashes if I used 1 kind of deodorant for too long. SO…I just kept rotating them to keep the rash at bay.
YOU GUYS! I have now found the mother of all Natural Deodorants and I have to share it with you…
OH MY GAIA Natural Deodorants!!!
My Husband and I were celebrating our 15th wedding anniversary this fall and ended up visiting Coeur D’alene, Idaho. We grabbed a coffee and strolled the cute downtown street there and ended up in the Mountain Madness Soap Co shop and it smelled sooooooooo good! My husband picked up some fun charcoal soaps and I saw a whole rack of natural deodorant!! YESSSS! Another one to try on my quest to find a good one…well….when I smelled the Goddess Scent…I was in love!
This Oh My Gaia scent is not like any other natural deodorant scent that I’ve EVER smelled! It is soft, powdery and smells like a lovely, amber perfume, rather than a health food store. So, I was curious to see if this stuff actually worked and had a strict criteria (as stated above!). Seriously, I was so pleasantly surprised, this stuff surpassed all my standards when I woke up the next morning with the same soft, powdery scent in my pits!
It worked!! yesss!!!
Now I had found my golden ticket deodorant, but a few days ago, I ran out!! Believe me, I scraped the bottom of that jar! So, I went to the ohmygaia website to buy some more, I couldn’t find it and was so sad…like maybe they discontinued this heavenly scent?? After sending them an email, I quickly found out that they specifically make this signature scent for the Mountain Madness Soap Co! I LOVE a good collab! I purchased it online and now I’m smelling heavenly again! 🙂 The world is thankful.
You guys…this stuff is incredible. If you have tried natural deodorants and they haven’t worked for you, left you feeling stinky or gave you a rash, I highly recommend this product! I honestly believe it’s the best one out there! AND>>>>This tiny $10 jar has lasted me for 8 months!! The cost (with shipping is $15) is well worth it! OR….next time you are in Idaho, stop into the Mountain Madness Soap Co and save yourself the shipping cost!
Have you tried natural deodorants? I would love to hear what has worked for you! Let me know in the comments!