For the last 7 years or so, I’ve tried to keep the tradition of making Cinnamon Rolls for Christmas Eve night & the left overs are for Christmas morning. Its a special treat and I can make it before hand, so its not a crazy fest in the morning on Christmas day. Its special because they are stinking delicious and I only make them 1 time a year…..Until now!
Why it didn’t occur to me that I could make glorious Christmas Day worthy Cinnamon Rolls in the bread machine is beyond me. I’ve had my bread machine for about 8 months now, and it wasn’t until a random blog post somewhere in cyber space did it don on me that this was possible! Its not only possible, its amazing!!!
Making homemade fluffy Cinnamon Rolls is easier than ever with a bread machine! A little too easy…I think. I’ve was making a new batch about 4 days for a while. :/ Woops!
What is so great about these Cinnamon Rolls is that you just layer everything in your bread maker in order, set it on the dough setting and go off and do your other business! Come back after 1 hr 50 minutes, and your dough is ready to roll out and in about 30 minutes you will have the most delish Cinnamon Rolls this side of Mississippi!
Prep time:
Cook time:
Total time:
Serves: 12
Serving size:

Dough-- 1 cup warm milk (110 degrees F/45 degrees C) (i pour mine in a mug with the butter and warm for 1 min, then pour the milk into the bread machine pan, and microwave butter for 30 more seconds.)
- ⅓ cup Butter
- 2 eggs
- ½ cup white sugar
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 4½ cups bread flour
- 2 TBSP vital wheat gluten (found near the flour at the grocery store)
- 1.5 TBSP active dry yeast (make a well in the flour, pour into the well)
Filling-- 1 cup Brown Sugar
- ⅓ softened butter
- 2 TBSP Cinnamon
Frosting-- ½ cup Butter Softened
- ½ cup cream cheese
- 1 cup Powdered sugar
- ½ tsp salt
- ½ Cup Cinnabon Coffee Creamer! (yep...its good)
- First warm your milk and butter in the microwave.
- Pour into bread machine pan.
- Add the rest of the ingredients in order, remember to create a well for the yeast.
- Turn on bread machine to DOUGH setting. (take a minute to make sure dough is coming together, if too dry, add 1 tbsp milk at a time, if too wet, add 1 tbsp flour at a time.)
- After the bread machine works its magic (mine lasts 1 hr 50 minutes), turn dough out onto floured surface.
- Roll out dough with rolling pin to a large rectangle (15x20 ish) doesn't need to be perfect!
- Spread on butter for filling.
- Mix cinnamon and brown sugar in a bowl, sprinkle on buttered dough. Be sure to get the edges!
- Roll up dough (long way)
- Cut dough into 12 pieces.
- Put in parchment lined pan.
- Cover and let rise for 20-30 minutes. Sometimes I just through mine in the oven at this point!
- Bake for 10min on 350. Take them out when they are cooked on the outside, not brown and are still doughy on the inside! This the the key!!
- While they are baking, mix together frosting ingredients and frost while warm.
Sharing this to my page so I don’t misplace your recipe AGAIN!