I am so in love with my Instant Pot
! If you have no idea of what an Instant Pot is, um, you are going to be thanking me for introducing it to you! Read my post about how much I love my electric pressure cooker here (Instant Pot
brand is the very best, though- don’t be fooled by the other brands! )
One of the things that I love about my Instant Pot is how easy it is to make baby food! All you need is an Instant Pot, something to blend the baby food ( I would recommend getting one of these) and then something to put the baby food in. I have graduated from these types of containers to using these fabulous squeezable bags!
These are perfect for babies that like to feed themselves, or if you know you are going to eat somewhere where there won’t be easy food for your baby. Just remember that this baby food will be perishable and should be eaten soon after being made, or just toss it in the freezer and bring it out one bag at a time.
! Make these amazing recipes while your baby is napping or while cleaning the kitchen or preparing the rest of your families dinner! It’s super simple and easy to do….and you always know what is going into your baby’s body this way!
Enough talking all ready….
Instant Pot Baby Food Recipes!!
Instant Pot Baby Food Basics with Thrice the Spice:
Plant Based Instant Pot Baby Food with Lean Grean Dad:
Make your own Instant Pot Baby Food for babies and toddlers from Active Hip Mama:
Instant Pot Applesauce with Don’t Mess with Mama:
This recipe is great and really simple. I would just leave out the cinnamon and cinnamon essential oils out of this version. Keep is simple and safe for babies and toddlers! So yummy though!
Instant Pot Baby Food: Yams with Recipes For Instant Pot:
Many recipes and tips for Instant Pot Baby Food from Medium.