If you’ve ever read my blog, you know that I love marriage. I love the idea of marriage and what it brings to the world, families and people. But I especially love being married to my husband. Don’t get me wrong, I know that not everyone has a thoughtful, kind, and hilarious husband like I do, but I know he’s not perfect. But, we have invest time, money and emotions into this marriage and after 15 years, I can truly say that it does get better and better.
If you would have asked me at year #7, I don’t think I would have said that. I would have said that marriage is hard, good, but hard work. Things changed around year 10. We really had a revaluation of our life, marriage, family and relationship with God around 5 years ago and I have to say that our marriage really benefited from that time.
For those of you who love your marriage and the way it is, this will be a refresher. For those of you that are looking to enhance your marriage, here are a few of the things that I have learned along the way:
5 Ways to Connect with Your Husband
- Flirt With Your Husband. It always makes me sad when I see women who act annoyed with their husband most of the time. If a man acted annoyed with this wife 99% of the time, it wouldn’t be tolerated, but when wives do it, it somehow seems “normal”. Just watch any sitcom or movie! It’s almost like being annoyed or irritated with your husband is the way we should act. Where are the TV shows and movies where the people flirting with each other are actually married? If you start looking for it, you won’t see many. (boo!). Let’s start a new trend where the person who makes us laugh the most, the one who we are staring at longingly across the room, the one we are flirtatiously giggling at, is our own spouse! It will do wonders for your marriage!
- Date Your Husband. This doesn’t have to be some kind of expensive dinner or over-night thing ( all though those are fun too)- I’m just talking about taking a drive together, grabbing lunch at DQ or staying up after your kiddos go to bed. If you can do this once a week- you get 15 gold stars, if you can do it once a month, that is awesome. The point is not to let 6 months go by and realize you’ve been driving the kids to soccer practice, karate lessons and after school stuff so much that you haven’t had a real conversation in a long time.
- Sext Your Husband. yep- you read that right. If you aren’t doing this, get on the band wagon. You don’t have to send your husband nudes. You CAN send him your thoughts of what you did together the night before or what you might be planning on doing tonight….just something to let him know that you still find him desirable and do-able.
Afraid that someone might find these texts? What if? They might just reveal that you have a thriving, wonderful marriage and that after all these years, you guys still like each other!
- Cook For Your Husband. Anything that HE likes. This isn’t the time to make buckwheat pancakes or to make sure he is getting all the veggies he needs. Spurge on his stomach and make something special that you know he likes. For my husband, there’s a few things that he enjoys- fresh baked cinnamon rolls, right out of the oven ( these are sooooo easy! You can make them too!), Fresh baked white bread with butter and home made raspberry jam. Anytime I make anything with alfredo sauce, my husband feels special. Its not super difficult, but its all about being thoughtful.
- Buy His Favorite Cereal. Like I said before, this isn’t super hard stuff here. My husband’s favorite late night snack is Cinnamon Toast Crunch. One time he told me that he would rather have that than ice cream! Can you believe that? I couldn’t! But I try to make sure we have a box of it around at all times- my kiddos know that its
“dad’s cereal” and that if they want some of it- they better ask him!
I would love to hear your advice on how to have a better connection with your husband! I know there are tons of tips our there. These are just a few!