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I have a sweating issue. Well, I used to.
I needed the clinical strength commercial type deodorant to just keep me from sweating through my clothes…and if I didn’t apply it, we were in such be trouble that I kept it in my car or purse just in case I started sweating. It wasn’t just the rings under my arms that I didn’t like. You guessed it…it didn’t smell too nice either! I consider myself a lady, so this was absolutely unacceptable!
So I jumped on the “Clinical Deodorant” train as soon as I saw it in the stores. I figured…if the FDA approved it, it means it is ok for us to put in/on our bodies, right??? Ha!! That was a long time ago! Now that I have been on a journey research and of putting less chemicals in my body, I can see how wrong I was!
I started my journey while ago, when my mother in law was diagnosed with breast cancer (she’s cancer free now!). I started assessing my use of clinical (chemical filled) deodorant. I needed the extra oomph in strength, but I knew that it probably wasn’t the best for me as far as chemicals entering my bloodstream…especially right by all my lovely lymph nodes. I read lots of articles like this one and this one, and I was convinced that I needed to at least try to find a chemi free deodorant. I started using Tom’s of Maine and it still had aluminum in it, which I wanted to get away from.
Soon, I found an article on Natural Deodorants and I decided to give Magnesium Oil a try. I ordered Magnesium oil on Amazon and waited. My hope for using Magnesium oil was that I would sweat less and not have to use regular deodorant as much. The verdict?? It worked better than I had even hoped! I started using Magnesium oil everyday and it has been so amazing! I sometimes forget, and I don’t even realize it till the next day…After about a 2 days, I will notice (sniff) that I need to apply more. I love the idea of using something that has all kinds of benefits and not using chemicals!
Along my journey, I have tried other natural deodorants, specifically ones that had baking soda in them made my armpits burn and become raw after a while, so they weren’t the solution for me. I would only be able to use them for about 1 month, then my armpits would hurt so bad I had to stop using it. I knew that their had to be another solution for me.
As I continued to research, I found out that Magnesium Oil has so many more benefits! These are the ones that I experienced personally:
- Natural Deodorant
- Muscle Relaxer
- Increase Bone and teeth Density
- Helps relieve eczema
- Benefits to hair growth
- Helps absorbs other nutrients
- Sore Muscle recovery
- Helps with ADHD & ADD
- Improves Sleep
- Stress & Anxiety Relief (read my post about GABA if stress and anxiety are a bugger for you!)
Other Health Benefits may include:
- Migraine Relief
- Strengthens Immune System
- Grey Hair back to color hair (if applied daily)
- Hydrates and strengthens skin
I ordered my Magnesium Oil off Amazon, but then when I ran out of it, I made my own! It saves a ton of money, since I use this product daily.
Magnesium Oil Deodorant Recipe:
1 Cup Boiling water ( distilled is best)
1 Cup Magnesium Flakes (I ordered these from Amazon)
Glass bowl with pour spout
Rubbing Alcohol
Lemongrass, Lavender
or your favorite essential
Extra bottle to save extra magnesium oil in
First boil your water, then add both ingredients to the glass bowl or large pyrex cup. Stir till blended. Pour into spray bottle. Fill your spray bottle halfway with magnesium oil, fill the other half with rubbing alcohol and add 10 drops of your favorite essential oil. I like Lemongrass because it isn’t over powering. Shake it up and spray under your arms as needed. I usually use about 2 sprays a day and smell delightful! 🙂
A Few Tips:
- I keep all of my Magnesium Oil Natural Deodorant ingredients in my bathroom ready to go. It takes about 1 week or so to go through my spray bottle, then I just add half alcohol and half magnesium oil and a few drops of Lemongrass oil for a new batch.
- Burning in your pits!! Don’t apply this right after shaving your armpits. Alcohol and freshly shaved armpits will produce some stinging. This will subside after about 5 minutes if you do it, but it does hurt. It doesn’t last all day, though. I tend to apply this after I’ve all ready gotten ready for the day. It is the last thing I apply, rather than the first, right out of the shower. Or, apply at night if you take a shower in the am.
If you have any questions about Magnesium Oil, feel free to email me @ kayleeeylanderdiy@gmail.com I would love to hear from you!
Hey Kaylee, I stopped using deodorant after my mom got breast cancer. I have been using just straight baking soda on my armpits. However, it’s a mess. Does this oil stain your clothes?
It’s called an oil but it dries and feels more like a salt water. I have never had it stain my clothes before. Its definitely worth a try!!